Karangasem Regency
Width: 839.54 km2
1. Kubu
2. Rendang
3. Abang
4. Sidemen
5. Selat
6. Bebandem
7. Karangasem
8. Manggis
Karangasem Tourism Object
- Padangbai and Silayukti Temple
- Tirtagangga
- Besakih Temple
- Labuhan Amuk
- Lempuyang Luhur Temple
- Candidasa
- Tulamben Diving Sites
- Mount Agung
- Tenganan Traditional Village
- Andakasa Temple
Location of Karangasem Demography the
regency of Karangasem with Amlapura like central city is one of the 9
regencies/city that located in of the east of the island of Bali. This
regional account 839,54 kilometers, consists widely of 8
secondary-district, divided in 71 administrative village resident by
369,320 people, has exotic opinion of nature of tropical climate. The
special name “Mutiara dari Timur” with the prediction becomes a new
machine the other growth in Bali specially the area of the tourism,
small area of the industry, power that cultivate dry, black and also
artistic gold-minute of its culture that does not rise in the other
Beautiful of the coastal field of the terrace is archeology of the
inheritance, and the existence of the old village of Baliaga Tenganan is
looked for nowadays by the domestic and foreign tourist. To have
access to the relative which of the transport near province capital and
quite fluids penetrable direct to the airport of Ngurah RAI Denpasar
to the east, and the entrance through port of Padangbai.
Industries nationals the bamboo of the mat is extended in many of Karangasem of them used daily necessity like basket, boiler, gedeg and another one but becomes the artistic of the interior like the place of the fruit, the bokor, many latern, the sweepings etc. of impregnated by hotel and the restaurant nowadays. Sentra of this doing by hand/diligence extends the village of Tista, the village of the slopes of Tiing, the village of Sinduwati, the village of Pempatan, the village of Selat, the village of Budakeling, and the village of Bebandem. Ascended near 616 units, impregnating to 665 employees. The production of the capacities by unit of reachs 57,907 of the year with the Rp value. 752.800.000, - with an aim of the export and the premises of the commercialization to have taste of the regency of Gianyar.
The manuscript of Lontar of the mat of such palm in beginning is extended initially only like means to the covers bleeds spilled referred of “Bebanten” in the secondary one of Abang, the village of Culik. The other young leaf of the Coco of the lateral use named “sari of Saab” becomes the administrative village of Karangasem. Throughout the growth of the tourism, this mat extends to decide the request ot like the purse, box of I ornament, woven fine that the etc. Theere is near 195 efforts of the units with 48 employees, production of the place of the capacities by 73,125 units, with the Rp value. 292.500.000, - with the regional compartment of the market to have taste of the regency of Gianyar and Badung, on the other hand there is also exported. The handmade the diligence of Ties that we recognized the first time is sub village of Gumung, Tenganan de Manggis under the form of protector for the tradition “secret attraction of Megeret Pandan” made once a year related to the procession of the ceremony of Aci Sambah.
They continue to make the other form like purse, the box, the bokor, the operation, the place of the fine weave, the had etc taste by the tourist. Until now the type of these many of the mat of I clear in the full cross of substance of the citizen has taste of the Bungaya, the Bebandem, the Seraya and the other places. There is no less near 3,937 units of the efforts that impregnate to near 5,637 employees with capacities of the units of reach 165,660 of the production with value near 8.283.000, - the wood doing by hand /de the diligence the capacity in the manufacture of the statue of the growth of wood in Karangasem almost flattens the Karangasem totality quickly to of class of product, writing-desk, shock absorber, chair, window, forms “harbor art”, another one like the statue of the cat, tulipán, primitive statue with the raw material of albesia of wood.
Extending itself in Rendang, Muncan, Nyuh Tebel, Tianyar etc. The center of the effort of the unit of this type not less 272 units, impregnated 1,100 employees who production per year near 37,842 the valuable reach Rp. 1.234.500.000, -. The mat of the type of the pine of the screw of local power of the enviromental friendly feat of the mat of the tree of this pine of the screw is even extended and been able nowadays to be able to the penetrated compartment of the export and the premises of the market. The production of this mat is designed under the form of artistic masterpiece of the purse, fine weave of the place, map, monedero, speedboat, platform of the crystal with area of the center in the village of Tumbu, subdistrict of Karangasem.
That is a little info about Karangasem, for the detail of tourism are i will write it in another post.
Industries nationals the bamboo of the mat is extended in many of Karangasem of them used daily necessity like basket, boiler, gedeg and another one but becomes the artistic of the interior like the place of the fruit, the bokor, many latern, the sweepings etc. of impregnated by hotel and the restaurant nowadays. Sentra of this doing by hand/diligence extends the village of Tista, the village of the slopes of Tiing, the village of Sinduwati, the village of Pempatan, the village of Selat, the village of Budakeling, and the village of Bebandem. Ascended near 616 units, impregnating to 665 employees. The production of the capacities by unit of reachs 57,907 of the year with the Rp value. 752.800.000, - with an aim of the export and the premises of the commercialization to have taste of the regency of Gianyar.
The manuscript of Lontar of the mat of such palm in beginning is extended initially only like means to the covers bleeds spilled referred of “Bebanten” in the secondary one of Abang, the village of Culik. The other young leaf of the Coco of the lateral use named “sari of Saab” becomes the administrative village of Karangasem. Throughout the growth of the tourism, this mat extends to decide the request ot like the purse, box of I ornament, woven fine that the etc. Theere is near 195 efforts of the units with 48 employees, production of the place of the capacities by 73,125 units, with the Rp value. 292.500.000, - with the regional compartment of the market to have taste of the regency of Gianyar and Badung, on the other hand there is also exported. The handmade the diligence of Ties that we recognized the first time is sub village of Gumung, Tenganan de Manggis under the form of protector for the tradition “secret attraction of Megeret Pandan” made once a year related to the procession of the ceremony of Aci Sambah.
They continue to make the other form like purse, the box, the bokor, the operation, the place of the fine weave, the had etc taste by the tourist. Until now the type of these many of the mat of I clear in the full cross of substance of the citizen has taste of the Bungaya, the Bebandem, the Seraya and the other places. There is no less near 3,937 units of the efforts that impregnate to near 5,637 employees with capacities of the units of reach 165,660 of the production with value near 8.283.000, - the wood doing by hand /de the diligence the capacity in the manufacture of the statue of the growth of wood in Karangasem almost flattens the Karangasem totality quickly to of class of product, writing-desk, shock absorber, chair, window, forms “harbor art”, another one like the statue of the cat, tulipán, primitive statue with the raw material of albesia of wood.
Extending itself in Rendang, Muncan, Nyuh Tebel, Tianyar etc. The center of the effort of the unit of this type not less 272 units, impregnated 1,100 employees who production per year near 37,842 the valuable reach Rp. 1.234.500.000, -. The mat of the type of the pine of the screw of local power of the enviromental friendly feat of the mat of the tree of this pine of the screw is even extended and been able nowadays to be able to the penetrated compartment of the export and the premises of the market. The production of this mat is designed under the form of artistic masterpiece of the purse, fine weave of the place, map, monedero, speedboat, platform of the crystal with area of the center in the village of Tumbu, subdistrict of Karangasem.
That is a little info about Karangasem, for the detail of tourism are i will write it in another post.