Facility: The facilities available in this area are small hotels, small restaurants and the food is clogged, stores of the art and a portion of the parking area.
Description: The garden of the water of Tirtagangga scratches in an area of 1,2 hectares, that consists of three complexes. The first complex lies more in the level under this area, where we can find two pools and one tower of the water. The second complex in the mean level is the location in where we can find the swimming pools; whereas in the third part, that is the main complex, we can find the house of the rest of the king. Before the construction of the garden of the water, there was a water of great means in this area. Therefore the people who surrounded the area called east place “embukan” that she means the means water. The water of then means was worked to also satisfy the necessity with the people of the water and of the “purification” with the Gods (Ida Betara).
The monk to also construct to this garden of the water of the tranquil for his house of the rest and for the fresh climate of people the function and this area, plus the vision around, inspired king leisure and the pleasure.